Are you looking for new and exciting ways to take photos of your pet so you can spruce up your workspace while working from home? Maybe you want a funny cat photo to include on a holiday card to send to family or a glamor shot of your dog to show off to your friends. Whatever you plan on using your photos for, we have some fun photoshoot ideas for your pet.

Rainbow Projection

Prisms make great photo props because you can use them to play with the natural light of your photo location to cast rainbow effects onto your pet. The colors may even get your pet interested in playing with the hues, which could result in some great action shots. If you don’t have enough natural light to work with, try using a flashlight with the prism to get the desired effect.

Macro Details

Your pet may have a really beautiful feature that you want to capture in a photograph. Does your pet have piercing eyes or a cute little nose that you love to stare at? If you have the equipment, a macro lens will let you focus more closely on these details. You can take captivating shots this way.

Animals with Human Props

Dog in halloween costume

Photo by: Sarah Shull

Want an easy and fast way to take a funny photo of your dog or cat? Just add a human prop. You can find funny dog photos with glasses, or cats in hats, or many, many other human-specific props. Clothing, toys, or practically any other human items could make for great props for your photoshoot. You can set up many fun shots with simple props from around your house or office.

Photos Set in Nature

Head to your dog’s favorite dog park, or put your cat on a harness to let them explore the backyard. Animals photographed in nature often show their excitement and curiosity for everything that’s around them. You can think about some great locations that feature amazing colors. Think about colored leaves in the fall, a field of flowers in the summer, or your pet rolling around in crisp white snow.

Collage / Photo Series

You can include several photos in one display if you utilize a photo series concept. This technique uses four or five photos that are sequential so that they show a progression. Maybe you caught a good photo of your dog followed by two shots of them in the process of yawning as he or she falls asleep.

You can get some funny dog pictures with their favorite toys or after catching them doing something naughty with the last few photos showing a goofy face. Making a photo series or collage can create a fun display piece with your pet as the star.

Photos with Friends

Don’t forget to snap some shots of your pet with their buddies. Maybe you have more than one pet, or maybe your pet has a neighborhood pal that they like to visit now and again. Pet photos can get even more interesting when you photograph more than one animal together.

This photoshoot idea may be a little more challenging to pull off as you try to get each animal to cooperate, but the final result tends to be more impressive.

Include Yourself

A family photo with a poodle and a cat

Photo by: Sarandy Westfall

After all, you are your pet’s best friend, so don’t forget to take some photos of yourself as well. All you need is a timer function or a handheld remote to hop in the image. If you don’t want a full-body shot of both of you, think about taking a photo with just your heads in the picture, or maybe your hands are photographed with your pet’s feet or paws.

Play with Your Shutter Speed

When you’re working with animals, you need to stay on your toes to get great shots. You can try increasing your shutter speed a bit to get some fantastic action shots that otherwise might be a total blur.

Play with the Angle

You don’t have to always get down on your pet’s level to take their photo. Taking a photo from above may cause your pet to gaze up at you in a cute or flattering way that can make for an especially impressive image. You can also try to catch them jumping, rolling, or playing from different angles.

Pets and Babies

Your pet meeting your new baby for the first time is a precious moment that you’ll want to capture. You’ll appreciate having those images to go back to as everyone gets older. Animals are very intuitive, and their reaction to small infants tends to be very sweet. Just be careful that nobody gets hurt in the process!

Now that you have some great ideas, you can get to shooting your pet photos! Once you’re done, you can automatically find and organize all of the pet pictures on your phone with the Pet Photo Saver. You can use some of your favorite images to display in your home, show off on photo gifts, or share on social media. You may even inspire someone else to take some fun photos of their own pet.
October 26, 2021
Made for pet lovers:

Find, Organize, & Relive All Your Precious Pet Memories

Pet Photo Saver is the digital photo album for your pets! Making it easy to find, organize, and relive all of your favorite moments with your pet in one place.